KazUpack 2012 - the packaging industry from materials to machinery
Packaging not only protects goods - it is also the ‘silent seller’ for promoting goods on the market. Modern packaging is not just an element of goods but a product in itself that plays an important role in the economy, and this will be underlined by the exhibitors of the KazUpack 2012 exhibition.
KazUpack takes place every year in Almaty and is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Over this period the importance of the exhibition for promoting products has significantly increased, with completely new players entering the market that have occupied a deserved position thanks to major investment and competent management. 50 companies will exhibit at KazUpack 2012 this year from 8 countries: Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Ukraine. These companies include producers of raw materials, equipment and materials for the production of packaging, labelling and application equipment, and also finished packaging.
“We are delighted that interest in the exhibition from Russian and Belarusian producers of materials, equipment and packaging increases every year. These make up almost 60% of KazUpack this year. Evidently, both the creation of the Customs Union between our countries and, of course, the increased demand from Kazakhstani companies for new packaging types and technology for its production have had a positive impact, as well as the efforts by Kazakhstani producers to present their products in a high-quality, more attractive way. It is encouraging that that the best solutions for organising warehouse facilities will be presented as a separate area this year,” said Alena Aprosimova, Project Manager at Iteca.
KazUpack has for many years been held alongside the largest food industry events in Central Asia - WorldFood Kazakhstan and AgroWorld Kazakhstan. This combination of exhibitions allows the interests of both producers and consumers of packaging to be brought together, and this is highly valued by the exhibitors and visitors of the three events.
“It is important to mention the successful co-location of the food industry and packaging events - it can be said that these areas run parallel to each other. We remain very happy with the organisation of the event. Our production, self-adhesive labelling, attracted great interest from the visitors at KazUpack 2011. We are planning to open an office in Kazakhstan. As our main objectives were boosting our company image, market analysis, and of course meeting potential new business partners, I feel that we were effective in achieving these aims at the exhibition. During the exhibition we distributed almost all the company material we had printed and got to know the representatives of a sufficiently large number of companies that we are definitely planning to work with. On the whole we are happy with the exhibition and plan to exhibit next year,” said Marina Obraztsova, senior manager of Pechatniy Express, at the exhibition last year. The company is exhibiting again this year.
The marketing element plays a key role in agriculture and the food industry - production must not just be grown or produced successfully, it must also be attractively packaged and profitably sold. Packaging can help deal with this challenge - KazUpack, the 10th anniversary International Packaging, Tare, Label and Printing Exhibition, is an ideal solution for goods producers. Information on the exhibition will be regularly updated on www.kazupack.kz , the exhibition’s official website.
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